Dr. Marcus Johnson speaks about One with Christ: An Evangelical Theology of Salvation, his recent book, published by Crossway. While many books have been published recently on the topic of union with Christ, Dr. Johnson’s book stands out for its up-to-date analysis and unique approach. One with Christ charts a via media between federalist and realist approaches to the doctrine of union with Christ, a way which Johnson calls Christological realism. Listen to understand Dr. Johnson’s unique but scriptural treatment of the doctrine of union with Christ.
Dr. Johnson is Associate Professor of Theology at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. He received his M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and his Ph.D. from Trinity College, University of Toronto. Camden Bucey reviewed One with Christ on a recent episode of Reformed Media Review.
Participants: Camden Bucey, Jared Oliphint, Jim Cassidy, Marcus Johnson

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