
The Extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy

Where is Christ’s body now?

In short, that is the question behind our conversation today with K. J. Drake, the author of The Flesh of the Word: The extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy (Oxford University Press, 2021). In this book, Drake seeks to broaden the study of the extra Calvinisticum by investigating how the doctrine arose within sixteenth-century Reformed theology as well as how its form and function developed over time due to the changing polemical and theological contexts from Zwingli to the period of early Reformed orthodoxy.

K. J. Drake is Academic Dean and Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Indianapolis Theological Seminary. He received his BA in History, Classics, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and Latin from the University of Nebraska. He attended Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis where he received his M.Div.


  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:05:41 The Question of Immanuel
  • 00:07:43 Defining the Extra Calvinisticum
  • 00:10:33 Development of Zwingli’s Views
  • 00:15:40 Fault Lines between Lutheran and Reformed
  • 00:18:35 Barth and the Extra Calvinisticum
  • 00:20:47 Calvin vs. the Calvinists
  • 00:24:38 Zwingli’s Christology
  • 00:32:22 Development in Zwingli’s Views
  • 00:35:11 The Consensus Tigurinus
  • 00:39:43 Vermigli and the Communicatio Idiomatum
  • 00:48:47 Knox and Cranmer
  • 00:51:34 Antoine de la Roche Chandieu
  • 00:54:50 Other Doctrines that Are Impacted
  • 01:04:58 Conclusion

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