Genesis 3:1-7 – Temptation in Eden

On this week’s Proclaiming Christ, we discuss the temptation in Eden from Genesis 3:1-7. Man and woman begin naked and unashamed in a royal wedding, but abruptly, an evil serpent enters the picture and brings sin into the world. Why does sin have this opportunity to enter the world? How is the picture of sin in Genesis 3 an example of how sin works in general? Why do Adam and Eve take the forbidden fruit? How is this Scriptural episode connected to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Listen for answers to these questions, and we welcome your comments and feedback!

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Proclaiming Christ is an audio program focused upon biblical preaching. In each episode we will discuss the process, method, and goals of preaching biblical texts from a uniquely Reformed perspective. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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