
Union with Christ and Glorification

Rev. James Cassidy, Pastor of Calvary OPC, preaches on glorification in this special presentation from Alive with Christ: Saving Union with Christ. This series of addresses comes from the Fall Seminar on Reformed Theology, held on November 12 and 13th 2011 at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Ringoes, NJ. This is the eighth and final installment of the series. The entire series is as follows:

  1. A Biblical Overview: Dr Richard Gaffin
  2. Regeneration: Dr Lane Tipton
  3. The Good Work Begun: Dr Richard Gaffin
  4. Sanctification: Dr Lane Tipton
  5. Questions and Answers
  6. The Gateway into Fellowship with the Triune God: Rev. Jeff Waddington (Sunday School)
  7. The Gospel: Dr Lane Tipton (Sunday morning service)
  8. Glorification: Rev. James Cassidy (Sunday evening service)


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