Most people have heard the name; “Lady Jane Gray”, some will even remember that she was a queen of England, albeit for only nine days. What most people don’t know is that she was a highly intelligent young woman with great faith and a great devotion to the doctrines of the Reformation. In the end she was take to the Tower of London and beheaded. True, part of her execution was political but part was also because of her Protestantism. If we pull back the curtain from this reality we will see a different type of struggle. We will see-as John did, Beasts rising out of the land and sea. We will see a lamb with horns speaking, but we will hear the voice of a deceptive serpent. We will understand that no matter what circumstances lead to Jane’s execution we know it was the war of the dragon against the people of God. How does God look upon a death like this? How should we understand the persecutions we endure and how should we now live?
Theology Simply Profound is a podcast of Westminster Presbyterian Church, an Orthodox Presbyterian Church, serving the western suburbs of Chicago, where God powerfully speaks through his means of grace. Also, check out the work of the OPC in Chicagoland at Chicago Reformed.
Music credit: Thank you, Pamela York, for the use of your beautiful jazzy rendition of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” We encourage our listeners to check out her website and consider purchasing some of her music.
Participants: Rob McKenzie, Robert Tarullo

Theology Simply Profound considers how even the simple truths God has revealed to us in his Word are deeply profound. Reformed theology need not be for scholars alone, it is for every believer. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.