Divine Impassibility
The Christ the Center panel meets with Rev. Dr. James Dolezal to discuss the much maligned doctrine of divine impassibility. Beginning with a look at Westminster Confession of Faith 2.1, that “There
The Christ the Center panel meets with Rev. Dr. James Dolezal to discuss the much maligned doctrine of divine impassibility. Beginning with a look at Westminster Confession of Faith 2.1, that “There
Dr. Darryl G. Hart speaks about a key feature to Reformed worship, the regulative principle. Generally speaking, the principle seeks to allow worship to be governed strictly by the Word
Dr. Vern Poythress, Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary, speaks about his book Inerrancy and Worldview: Answering Challenges to the Bible (Crossway). In this important book, Dr.
The Westminster Confession of Faith 1.6 says, “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down
David B. Garner, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, visits the studio to speak about the doctrine of Scripture. Dr. Garner has edited an excellent collection of
Jeremiah W. Montgomery is the pastor of Resurrection Orthodox Presbyterian Church in State College, Pennsylvania. Rev. Montgomery joins us to speak about writing Christian fiction. Montgomery has written The Dark Faith,
The Christ the Center panel discusses a forthcoming new podcast entitled East of Eden: Discussions in the Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards, which should appear, Lord willing, this summer. The panel for
In this in-house episode, Camden Bucey leads a discussion on Trinitarian personality in the theologies of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner. Though the theologians approach the subject from different traditions,
Dr. Carl Trueman joins us once again for an exciting conversation of issues in the contemporary church. Today, we discuss Dr. Trueman’s latest book Fools Rush in Where Monkeys Fear
Rev. Daniel Hyde, pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside, CA builds a case for paedobaptism. Hyde has written Jesus Loves the Little Children: Why We Baptize Children, an excellent
The Christ the Center panel meets with Rev. Dr. James Dolezal to discuss the much maligned doctrine of divine impassibility. Beginning with a look at Westminster Confession of Faith 2.1, that “There
Dr. Darryl G. Hart speaks about a key feature to Reformed worship, the regulative principle. Generally speaking, the principle seeks to allow worship to be governed strictly by the Word
Dr. Vern Poythress, Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary, speaks about his book Inerrancy and Worldview: Answering Challenges to the Bible (Crossway). In this important book, Dr.
The Westminster Confession of Faith 1.6 says, “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down
David B. Garner, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, visits the studio to speak about the doctrine of Scripture. Dr. Garner has edited an excellent collection of
Jeremiah W. Montgomery is the pastor of Resurrection Orthodox Presbyterian Church in State College, Pennsylvania. Rev. Montgomery joins us to speak about writing Christian fiction. Montgomery has written The Dark Faith,
The Christ the Center panel discusses a forthcoming new podcast entitled East of Eden: Discussions in the Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards, which should appear, Lord willing, this summer. The panel for
In this in-house episode, Camden Bucey leads a discussion on Trinitarian personality in the theologies of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner. Though the theologians approach the subject from different traditions,
Dr. Carl Trueman joins us once again for an exciting conversation of issues in the contemporary church. Today, we discuss Dr. Trueman’s latest book Fools Rush in Where Monkeys Fear
Rev. Daniel Hyde, pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside, CA builds a case for paedobaptism. Hyde has written Jesus Loves the Little Children: Why We Baptize Children, an excellent
In this episode, we speak with William Boekestein, Jonathan Landry Cruse, and Andrew J. Miller, the authors behind a new book, Glorifying and Enjoying God: 52 Devotions through the Westminster
In this enlightening episode, we discuss the nuances of conscience and confessional identity during the Reformation. Joined by Dr. Timothy Scheuers, we turn our attention to the transformative period of
Reformed Forum exhibited at the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary conference in Greer, SC. This episode offers a deep dive into the Confessional Presbyterian Journal’s latest issue, with a special focus
Christ the Center is on the road as Camden Bucey speaks with two guests from the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Conference. This episode explores Reformed theology and its profound impact
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