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Support Reformed Forum this Christmas

As you work through your shopping list and purchase gifts for your loved ones this Christmas season, please consider supporting Reformed Forum. The Reformed Forum makes all of its content

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Reformed Forum is Back

As many of you already know we experienced an extended outage over the weekend. Actually, it was more like a mandatory jubilee period. We had issues with the storage on

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Deconstructing Evangelicalism

Christ the Center was pleased to have Darryl G. Hart back to talk about his book Deconstructing Evangelicalism. Hart points out that Evangelicalism actually is an umbrella term used to

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The Atonement as Propitiation

Propitiation means to appease or avert divine wrath. This episode of Christ the Center examines the atonement as propitiation as we discuss the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the propitiation

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The Atonement as Reconciliation

Reconciliation is the restoration of a broken relationship between God and sinful man. It is the overcoming of our alienation from God because of our disobedience and sin. This episode

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Support Reformed Forum this Christmas

As you work through your shopping list and purchase gifts for your loved ones this Christmas season, please consider supporting Reformed Forum. The Reformed Forum makes all of its content

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Reformed Forum is Back

As many of you already know we experienced an extended outage over the weekend. Actually, it was more like a mandatory jubilee period. We had issues with the storage on

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Deconstructing Evangelicalism

Christ the Center was pleased to have Darryl G. Hart back to talk about his book Deconstructing Evangelicalism. Hart points out that Evangelicalism actually is an umbrella term used to

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The Atonement as Propitiation

Propitiation means to appease or avert divine wrath. This episode of Christ the Center examines the atonement as propitiation as we discuss the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the propitiation

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The Atonement as Reconciliation

Reconciliation is the restoration of a broken relationship between God and sinful man. It is the overcoming of our alienation from God because of our disobedience and sin. This episode

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