A History of Western Philosophy and Theology
We are pleased to welcome John Frame to the program to speak about his significant new volume, A History of Western Philosophy and Theology (P&R Publishing). Dr. Frame holds the J. D. Trimble
We are pleased to welcome John Frame to the program to speak about his significant new volume, A History of Western Philosophy and Theology (P&R Publishing). Dr. Frame holds the J. D. Trimble
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto speaks to us about his paper “Two Theological Accounts of Logic: Theistic Conceptual Realism and a Reformed Archetype-Ectype Model,” published in the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
In our last post, (a while back!) I argued that Jenson had in fact compromised the creator creature distinction and I said that we would flesh that out a bit,
In the last post we asked if Jenson had gone beyond Barth. Has he temporalized eternity? Jenson is certainly bolder in his assertions linking eternity and time, but has he
Dr. Nathan Shannon, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, Korea, talks with us about his new book, Shalom and the Ethics of Belief: Nicholas Wolterstorff’s
Dr. Paul Kjoss Helseth, Professor of Christian Thought at Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota, joins the panel at Christ the Center to speak about Old Princeton and right reason. Many in the Reformed tradition
Download the e-book (.epub) version of this essay. PART I. God and Logic: Two Popular Proposals “God and logic” is a popular topic these days, and it certainly deserves the
Listen as Jeff Waddington reviews B. B. Warfield’s Scientifically Constructive Theological Scholarship by David P. Smith and published by Pickwick. Smith seeks to correct the perception that Warfield relies upon a
K. Scott Oliphint, Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, speaks about the relationship of philosophy to theology. Dr. Oliphint has written Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the
Dr. Lane G. Tipton, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, describes logical positivism, a type of analytic philosophy incorporating mathematical and logico-linguistic constructs and deductions of
Jared Oliphint sits down with Dr. K. Scott Oliphint to speak about how Christians should approach the subject of philosophy. They speak about the necessity of the Christian position, the
We speak with Nathan Sasser, Assistant Director of Academic Affairs at the Pastors College for Sovereign Grace Ministries and PhD student in philosophy at the University of South Carolina. Nathan
God and evil. Christ and horror. The atonement and suffering. Are there more difficult, pressing, agonizing questions than these? What does the Christian say in the face of horrendous evils?
Philosophy for Theologians opens up the subject of universals by discussing the basic approaches to reality found in thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. After laying an introductory foundation, the
Dr. David Skeel, professor of corporate law at UPenn, discusses Christians in legal studies in addition to the ethics of bankruptcy. David Skeel is the S. Samuel Arsht Professor of
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During our symposium, “Crossroads of Conviction,” D. G. Hart had a spirited exchange with Timon Cline regarding establishmentarianism. With respect to the American founding, Dr. Hart made a comment regarding
Geerhardus Vos mounted a heavenly vantage point from which he surveyed the world and all its happenings. From the high tower of God’s Word, he saw with eagle-eye clarity the
In 1936, at the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America—later renamed the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)—official greetings were received from the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
In the first issue of The Presbyterian Guardian, the editors shared their desire and justification for the new paper. We hope that this paper will make its way on merit among
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