The Book of Revelation – Part 15

I am sure that all of us have felt time drag by, as if a second is an hour. All most of us have to do is think back to being a child trying to make it to Christmas morning. You lay there in your bed and you feel like the night will never end. The older we get the quicker times seems to go and we start to long for the days of childhood when an afternoon could feel like days, as we were locked away in our minds imagination. Psalm 90 records a prayer of Moses where this fleeting life is contrasted with the eternality of our own works. To God time is eternal to us our lives are a moment away from returning to the dust. So Moses tells us to ask God to help us number our days so we might make every day count as worthwhile. Moses tries to teach us that what is important are the works that we do that are established by God for eternity. What does this have to do with this passage? What are the bowl judgments all about and what is the battle of Armageddon?

Theology Simply Profound is a podcast of Westminster Presbyterian Church, an Orthodox Presbyterian Church, serving the western suburbs of Chicago, where God powerfully speaks through his means of grace. Also, check out the work of the OPC in Chicagoland at Chicago Reformed.

Music credit: Thank you, Pamela York, for the use of your beautiful jazzy rendition of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” We encourage our listeners to check out her website and consider purchasing some of her music.

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Theology Simply Profound considers how even the simple truths God has revealed to us in his Word are deeply profound. Reformed theology need not be for scholars alone, it is for every believer. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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