Poythress’ Latest: Redeeming Mathematics

I just received a copy of Vern Poythress’ latest book Redeeming Mathematics: A God-Centered Approach (Crossway). I’m looking forward to reading this book—not because it will help me with any homework—but because it addresses the foundations of reality itself. Even among theologians and apologists with otherwise strong doctrines of the antithesis in epistemology, numbers and counting have occupied supposedly neutral territory. Philosophers have long debated the nature of mathematics perhaps because it presents a unique challenge to historically dominant philosophical models.

Dr. Poythress is eminently qualified to write a book that strikes at the heart of these issues. He holds a PhD in New Testament as well as a PhD in Mathematics from Harvard University. He also is a thoroughgoing Van Tilian who thinks deeply about the necessary preconditions for reality—which of course includes mathematics.

This book is the next in an ongoing series. For several years, Dr. Poythress has been examining different fields of study serving the overarching purpose of demonstrating the foundational role of the Triune God of Scripture to ground all things. We hope to speak with Dr. Poythress about this in future, adding another conversation to the many we have already been pleased to share:


On Key

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