Hosea 1:10–2:1 — A Great Multitude and Faithful Remnant
Hosea is made us of a series of cycles—of judgment and redemption. Here we begin looking at the first cycle of good news and redemption, as the prophet brings a
Hosea is made us of a series of cycles—of judgment and redemption. Here we begin looking at the first cycle of good news and redemption, as the prophet brings a
Here we seek to answer three questions: First, “What is the meaning of circumcision?” Second, “What is the purpose of circumcision? and third, “To whom is circumcision to be applied”
God re-names Sarai—again reflecting his covenant promise. And one essential characteristic of the covenant of promise is that covenant community will always be comprised of elect and non-elect. Inseparable from the
Paul appeals to the believers at Corinth to be united, and admonishes them to abandon their factionalism. Paul reminds them that he did not do anything among them that would draw
As the Abrahamic Covenant is expanded, it builds upon the revelation given in chapters 12 and 15. Through this everlasting covenant God will bring life to those who are dead
Our situation calls for serious self-discipline because the days are evil, and joyful celebration because God has rescued us from that evil in Jesus Christ. Participants: Adam York, Glen Clary,
Israel was called God’s son—a status under threat here in Hosea—as graphically demonstrated in the naming of Hosea’s children. God’s pending divorce of Israel points to the only way for
We welcome Glen Clary as our newest panelist, as he opens Paul’s eucharistic prayer concerning the church of God at Corinth. He centers it around the believer’s union with Christ—the
A remarkable picture of God’s grace given to an undeserving Egyptian woman, is used by the apostle Paul as a divinely inspired allegory of the way in which God operates
God has made his covenant with Abram, and now ratifies it through a solemn covenant ceremony that points to the supernatural character of the covenant’s nature and its keeping. Participants:
Hosea is made us of a series of cycles—of judgment and redemption. Here we begin looking at the first cycle of good news and redemption, as the prophet brings a
Here we seek to answer three questions: First, “What is the meaning of circumcision?” Second, “What is the purpose of circumcision? and third, “To whom is circumcision to be applied”
God re-names Sarai—again reflecting his covenant promise. And one essential characteristic of the covenant of promise is that covenant community will always be comprised of elect and non-elect. Inseparable from the
Paul appeals to the believers at Corinth to be united, and admonishes them to abandon their factionalism. Paul reminds them that he did not do anything among them that would draw
As the Abrahamic Covenant is expanded, it builds upon the revelation given in chapters 12 and 15. Through this everlasting covenant God will bring life to those who are dead
Our situation calls for serious self-discipline because the days are evil, and joyful celebration because God has rescued us from that evil in Jesus Christ. Participants: Adam York, Glen Clary,
Israel was called God’s son—a status under threat here in Hosea—as graphically demonstrated in the naming of Hosea’s children. God’s pending divorce of Israel points to the only way for
We welcome Glen Clary as our newest panelist, as he opens Paul’s eucharistic prayer concerning the church of God at Corinth. He centers it around the believer’s union with Christ—the
A remarkable picture of God’s grace given to an undeserving Egyptian woman, is used by the apostle Paul as a divinely inspired allegory of the way in which God operates
God has made his covenant with Abram, and now ratifies it through a solemn covenant ceremony that points to the supernatural character of the covenant’s nature and its keeping. Participants:
In this episode, we welcome Aaron Renn, author of Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture, to explore the profound shifts in cultural attitudes towards Christianity
In this episode, we speak with William Boekestein, Jonathan Landry Cruse, and Andrew J. Miller, the authors behind a new book, Glorifying and Enjoying God: 52 Devotions through the Westminster
In this enlightening episode, we discuss the nuances of conscience and confessional identity during the Reformation. Joined by Dr. Timothy Scheuers, we turn our attention to the transformative period of
Reformed Forum exhibited at the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary conference in Greer, SC. This episode offers a deep dive into the Confessional Presbyterian Journal’s latest issue, with a special focus
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