Persistent Prayer
We take the podcast on the road for three episodes to visit Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. In our first episode of the road trip, we speak with Dr.
We take the podcast on the road for three episodes to visit Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. In our first episode of the road trip, we speak with Dr.
Danny Olinger, Lane Tipton, and Camden Bucey discuss Geerhardus Vos’s sermon, “The More Excellent Ministry” from 2 Corinthians 3:18. This sermon is included in Grace and Glory: Sermons Preached at
Dr. Eric Watkins joins us to speak about missions and evangelism from a Reformed perspective. Dr. Watkins is senior pastor of Harvest Presbyterian Church (OPC) in San Marcos, California as
It’s that time of year again. Since 2008, we have been taking a beat around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year.
Dr. Christiane Tietz speaks about her tremendous biography, Karl Barth: A Life in Conflict (Oxford University Press, 2021). Dr. Tietz is Professor for Systematic Theology at the Institute of Hermeneutics
We would like to begin offering transcripts of our podcast episodes, but unfortunately, transcripts are cost-prohibitive at this point. We hope to be able to begin offering transcripts of at
The Pentecostal Movement had two main roots: a Wesleyan and a non-Wesleyan root. In the Wesleyan tradition, Phoebe Palmer represents the movement well. She picked up on the doctrine of
I’m a huge fan of Zotero since it’s an extremely useful tool for managing bibliographies and making research more efficient. I use the tool to handle all the bibliographies for
Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. discusses the relationship of the forensic to the other elements of the work of Christ in accomplishing redemption for his people. This is an excerpt from
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R. Scott Clark will be live blogging the Calvin’s Legacy conference. The blogging will start January 16th at 6PST/9EST. This should be a great conference, so stay tuned to the
We had a great 2008 here at the Reformed Forum. We started out as Castle Church and eventually shifted over to the less confusing “Reformed Forum.” We produced 50 episodes
You may be interested in a few new books that have hit the shelf. John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology edited by Burk Parsons The Erosion of
Feeding on Christ and The Reformed Forum have decided to do a John Owen Giveaway. There will be two books to win and two chances to win them. The first
We’ve installed new forum software over at forums.reformedforum.org in order to allow for discussions regarding Christ the Center and reformed theology in general. Register now and start a discussion.
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During our symposium, “Crossroads of Conviction,” D. G. Hart had a spirited exchange with Timon Cline regarding establishmentarianism. With respect to the American founding, Dr. Hart made a comment regarding
Geerhardus Vos mounted a heavenly vantage point from which he surveyed the world and all its happenings. From the high tower of God’s Word, he saw with eagle-eye clarity the
In 1936, at the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America—later renamed the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)—official greetings were received from the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
In the first issue of The Presbyterian Guardian, the editors shared their desire and justification for the new paper. We hope that this paper will make its way on merit among
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