The Work of Christ
We preview a forthcoming course on Union with Christ and the Doctrine of Salvation, taught by Lane Tipton. Participants: Camden Bucey, Lane G. Tipton
We preview a forthcoming course on Union with Christ and the Doctrine of Salvation, taught by Lane Tipton. Participants: Camden Bucey, Lane G. Tipton
Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey discuss the 48th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, which recently adjourned in St. Louis, Missouri, and look forward to the 87th General
This week’s episode is an exhortation from John 13:1-13 given by Rob McKenzie on June 13, 2021 at Westminster Presbyterian Church (OPC). Participants: Rob McKenzie
Carlton Wynne, Lane Tipton, and Camden Bucey open Cornelius Van Til’s book, The Defense of the Faith to pages 32–33 wherein Van Til discusses the doctrine of Christ. These are
Jim Cassidy discusses Therefore the Truth I Speak: Scottish Theology, 1500–1700 by Donald Macleod. The Scottish church was forever altered by the arrival of the Reformation in the sixteenth century.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus to remind them of the “unsearchable riches” of Christ (3:8). That is, he writes to remind the Christians living in that
This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob continue a discussion of John Bunyan’s, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Book 2. In this episode, after the usual banter between friends, we discuss how Christiana, Mercy,
Rev. John Fikkert speaks about providing specialized care for ministers. Rev. Fikkert is the director of the OPC’s Committee on Ministerial Care, which provides a range services for ministers such
Lane Tipton speaks about his new book, Foundations of Covenant Theology, available now through Reformed Forum. Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating
Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride.
We preview a forthcoming course on Union with Christ and the Doctrine of Salvation, taught by Lane Tipton. Participants: Camden Bucey, Lane G. Tipton
Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey discuss the 48th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, which recently adjourned in St. Louis, Missouri, and look forward to the 87th General
This week’s episode is an exhortation from John 13:1-13 given by Rob McKenzie on June 13, 2021 at Westminster Presbyterian Church (OPC). Participants: Rob McKenzie
Carlton Wynne, Lane Tipton, and Camden Bucey open Cornelius Van Til’s book, The Defense of the Faith to pages 32–33 wherein Van Til discusses the doctrine of Christ. These are
Jim Cassidy discusses Therefore the Truth I Speak: Scottish Theology, 1500–1700 by Donald Macleod. The Scottish church was forever altered by the arrival of the Reformation in the sixteenth century.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus to remind them of the “unsearchable riches” of Christ (3:8). That is, he writes to remind the Christians living in that
This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob continue a discussion of John Bunyan’s, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Book 2. In this episode, after the usual banter between friends, we discuss how Christiana, Mercy,
Rev. John Fikkert speaks about providing specialized care for ministers. Rev. Fikkert is the director of the OPC’s Committee on Ministerial Care, which provides a range services for ministers such
Lane Tipton speaks about his new book, Foundations of Covenant Theology, available now through Reformed Forum. Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating
Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride.
In this episode, we welcome Drs. Benjamin Gladd and G. K. Beale, co-editors of The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Baker Academic) along with D.
In this episode, Camden Bucey engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Terry Johnson, Senior Minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia and the author of Understanding Family Worship: Its History,
In this episode, we sit down with David Hall, Senior Pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, GA, and a prolific author, to discuss his latest book, Irony and
In part two of Paul’s Prayer we return to consider Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers. Yes, Paul’s burden is that the Ephesian believers would know the Lord. But what specifically
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